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Studded collars mixed with cat ears. Basically, it's goth mixed with pastel colors but with a hint of grunge. 90's jewelry (yes from the 90's it wasn't so bad back in the day.) Even the backpacks from back in the day with aliens on it works perfect. wigs online Next was mold making. To do this i used gyp son cement with a Plasticine mold wall, i wont go into the details because im sure there is a thread that explains this type of two part mold process. These worked great and gave me a good textured effect when couples with a sponge, i could have airbrushed but i felt like this gave the mask a nice rugged texture. wigs online wigs for women But most of his actions are incredibly stupid, including once in the TV series using Moviefone to check on his IBM stock. At one time on the strip, the PHB recognizes that the biggest contribution that his department does to the company is actually the "brown table meetings", and that it is the only asset that prevents t...